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. 2020 Nov 27;21:780. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03770-9

Table 1.

Demographics of the patients and inclusion criteria

Primary patients
(n = 11)
Referred patients
(n = 34)
Agea (year) 48.5 (3.47) 60.5 (4.02) 0.001
Sex (male/female) 4/7 18/16 0.491
Immunocompetent disease or immunosuppressive drug (yes/no) 7/4 20/14 1.0
DIP/PIP/Thumb 8/3/0 19/12/3 0.120
Penetration event (traumatic/iatrogenic/no) 9/0/2 16/13/5 0.048
Specific clinical history 1 (animal bite) 2 (animal bite) 1.0
Delay from symptom onset to treatment in the first visiting hospitalb (day) 9 (7–14) [2–21] 21 (7–28) [3–70] 0.042
Duration of empiric antibiotics in the previous hospitalc (day) 7.5 (5–10.25) [3–28]
Delay from symptom onset to treatment in the present hospitalc (day) 38 (21–91) [13–168]
Surgical drainage at the first visiting hospital (yes/no) 11/0 8/26 < 0.001
Culture (+) Pus (+) Neutrophils ≥10/HPF 2 17
Neutrophils < 10/HPF 5 7
Pus (−) Neutrophils ≥10/HPF 2
Neutrophils < 10/HPF 3 1
Culture (−) Pus (+) Neutrophils ≥10/HPF 5
Neutrophils < 10/HPF 1 2
Pus (−) Neutrophils ≥10/HPF

Significant values shown in bold

DIP distal interphalangeal, PIP proximal interphalangeal, HPF high power field

aStudent’s t-test. Mean (standard deviation) presented

bMann-Whitney U-test. Median (25th–75th percentiles) [range] presented

cNon-parametric distribution. Median (25th–75th percentiles) [range] presented