Conventional LPD, supplying 0.55 to 0.60 g/kg b.w./day of mixed proteins, at least 50% of high biological value.
Vegan LPD, supplying 0.6–0.7 g/kg b.w./day of plant origin proteins using a special combination of cereal and legumes, and/or soy.
Very low protein diet to patients with CKD and without diabetes: 0.28 to 0.43 g/kg b.w./day with additional keto acid/amino acids to meet protein requirement of 0.55 to 0.60 g/kg b.w./day, usually 1 tablet every 5 kg b.w.
Mostly vegetarian diets supplying 0.7–0.8 g/kg b.w.d of unselected proteins, supplemented or not with essential amino acids and ketoacids (usually 1 tablet every 10 kg b.w).
B. Mechanisms of Action of Low Protein Diet
Reduced production of protein-derived waste products
Reduced retention of protein-derived toxins and fixed acids
Reduced phosphate load, with lesser stimulation of parathyroid hormone production
Reduced single-nephron glomerular hyperfiltration
Reduced urine protein excretion
C. Indications to a Low-Protein Diet
Prevention and treatment of metabolic and electrolyte abnormalities, signs and symptoms of chronic renal insufficiency
Prevention of protein-energy wasting
Delay the start of renal replacement therapy
Management of proteinuria, hypertension, or progressing chronic kidney disease
D. Contraindications to a Low-Protein Diet
Protein energy wasting
Hypercatabolic state (acute or chronic)
Anorexia and eating disorders
End of life care management
Poor attitude to dietary modifications
Psychiatric / psychological disorders
Logistic barriers (economic, cultural, lack of support)
Poorly controlled diabetes
Chronic steroid treatment
Intestinal diseases including chewing disorders
Short life-expectancy
E. Unwanted Side Effects of LPD
Weight loss due to reduced energy intake
Loss of muscle mass due to inadequate protein and energy intake
Depression, relational problems, psychological discomfort
F. Possible Supplementations during Low Protein Regimens
G. Special Conditions
Nephrotic syndrome
Very old, aged patient
Neuromuscular disorders
Short life expectancy