Adjusted association between metabolic and lifestyle-related risk factors and colorectal adenomas. (A) All adenoma (B) Advanced adenoma (C) Proximal adenoma. a Smoking (ever vs. never).b Metabolic syndrome (yes vs. no). c UPF intake was defined as tertiles of the proportional caloric intake of UPFs from total caloric intake. The 2nd tertile of UPF (30.4–44.7% of total kcal) and the 3rd tertile (≥44.8% of total kcal) were compared to the 1st tertile (≤30.4% of total kcal). All ORs are adjusted for age, gender, BMI, total kcal, aspirin, indication for colonoscopy, smoking, metabolic syndrome, and high UPF intake. Abbreviations: OR- Odds ratio, CI- Confidence interval, UPF- Ultra-Processed Foods