Table 2.
A summary of different particle reinforcements into polymer matrices. HDPE—high-density polypropylene; LDPE—low-density polypropylene; β-TCP—beta tricalcium phosphate.
Process | Matrix + Particle | Property Evaluation | Remarks | Ref |
DLP | Acrylic based resin + microdiamond powder | The heat transfer rate was improved with 30 wt.% filler (30% of the time required compared to the pure matrix to reach the same temperature when heated), decreased thermal expansion coefficient, and decreased wettability. | More suitable for high temperature applications. High material costs may limit commercial use. |
[131] |
FDM | ABS + TiO2 | Addition of 5 wt.% filler showed ~13.3% improvement in the tensile strength and ~11.6% improvement in the tensile modulus. | A smoother surface finish can be achieved by reducing voids which leads to better and consistent mechanical properties. | [112] |
FDM | ABS + stainless steel particles | The tensile strength decreased slightly with the addition of stainless-steel particles. Specific heat increased to ~0.1 J/(g K) from ~0.05 J/(g K) (pure ABS) at constant pressure and at 200 °C. | Finer particles tend to disperse well. Defects and voids become dominant beyond a certain percentage of the particles which results in the decreased mechanical properties. | [121] |
FDM | ABS + Al and ZnO2 | Failure strain was increased by 80% for ABS/ZnO2 and 108% for ABS/Al. | The addition of metal and metallic powder did not change the melt flow properties significantly. | [130] |
FDM | ABS + Cu and Fe | The tensile modulus increased by adding 10 wt.% of Cu (~930.2 MPa) and 30 wt.% of Fe (~978.5 MPa). However, the tensile strength was decreased by adding fillers. The thermal expansion coefficient of the composite with 50 wt.% Cu was decreased by 30% while thermal conductivity increased by 41%. | Strength reduces with the incorporation of fillers in the composite. The addition of Cu in the composite resulted in less distortion in the printed parts. | [132] |
FDM | ABS + BaTiO3 | Improvement of relative permeability was achieved by 260% at 35 vol.% while a 53% decrease in flexural strength was reported at 30 vol.%. | Inhomogeneous particle distribution may cause premature mechanical failure. Proper adhesion of the printed parts to the bed becomes challenging at higher vol.% of fillers (above 45%). | [133] |
FDM | LDPE + Al2O3 | The compressive strength was improved by 7%. | Better surface finish and dimensional accuracy can be achieved with Al2O3 addition into the polyethylene matrix. | [122] |
FDM | HDPE + fly-ash cenosphere | Density was decreased and the tensile modulus was improved (2.6 times of HDPE filament), but fracture strain was decreased by about 40%. | Better quality of the printed parts can be achieved by optimizing the layer thickness, speed of the printer, print temperature, and cooling condition. | [127,128] |
FDM | Nylon + Fe | Thermal conductivity increased by increasing vol.% and particle size of Fe. |
The metal fillers form conductive particle chains in the matrix. | [134] |
FDM | PA 12 + zirconia and β-TCP | The printed composites with 40 wt.% filler reported a tensile modulus of 995 MPa compared to that of pure PA 12 (~906 MPa). Tensile and flexural strengths decreased with increasing filler content. | Zirconia and β-TCP do not melt with the matrix during printing because of their high melting point. Agglomeration of the filler may cause clogging. | [135] |
SLA | Epoxy resin + FeO | Printed parts with a layer thickness of less than 80 µm showed consistent mechanical properties. However, part thickness higher than 100 µm resulted in irregular properties. | SLA is a slow printing process. Therefore, micro particle-sized fillers must remain uniformly dispersed in the matrix for an extended period. | [136] |
SLS | PA 11 + glass bead | The tensile modulus was improved with increasing vol.% of glass bead (~900 MPa for 10%, ~1250 MPa for 20%, and ~1750 MPa for 30%). The stiffness increased, but elongation at break was reduced. | The melting depth of the composite in SLS is crucial for successive layer adhesion. Printing settings should be optimized for different vol.% of glass beads. | [137] |