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. 2020 Nov 18;20(22):6603. doi: 10.3390/s20226603

Table 3.

Results of analyzing correlatn coefficients among certain factors of natural light: cloudy days.

Correlation Coefficient SWR MWR LWR tristimulus_X tristimulus_Y tristimulus_Z color_coordinate_x color_coordinate_y illuminance CCT
SWR (Short Wavelengh Ratio) 1 −0.994 0.922 0.279 0.289 0.433 0.991 0.992 0.289 0.991
MWR (Middle Wavelengh Ratio) −0.994 1 −0.958 −0.305 −0.315 −0.449 0.994 0.979 −0.315 −0.984
LWR (Long Wavelengh Ratio) 0.922 −0.958 1 0.358 0.368 0.467 −0.946 −0.887 0.368 0.908
tristimulus_X 0.279 −0.305 0.358 1 1 0.981 −0.263 −0.24 1 0.184
tristimulus_Y 0.289 −0.315 0.368 1 1 0.983 −0.273 −0.25 1 0.194
tristimulus_Z 0.433 −0.449 0.467 0.981 0.983 1 −0.411 −0.401 0.983 0.341
color_coordinate_x −0.991 0.994 −0.946 −0.263 −0.273 −0.411 1 0.987 −0.273 0.985
color_coordinate_y −0.992 0.979 −0.887 −0.24 −0.25 −0.401 0.987 1 −0.25 0.985
Illuminance 0.289 −0.315 0.368 1 1 0.983 −0.273 −0.25 1 0.194
CCT (color temperature) 0.991 −0.984 0.908 0.184 0.194 0.341 −0.985 −0.985 0.194 1