Table 1.
Comparison of STOP-BANG Questions and those Administered as Part of the CENC Project
Question number | STOP-BANG question | CENC question |
1 | Do you SNORE loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors)? | During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you cough or snore loudly? |
2 | Do you often feel TIRED, fatigued, or sleepy during daytime? | During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activities? |
3 | Has anyone OBSERVED you stop breathing during your sleep? | Has anyone observed you stop breathing during your sleep? |
4 | Do you have or are you being treated for high blood PRESSURE? | Have you EVER been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have high blood pressure? |
CENC, Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium.