Table 2.
Items used in each domain of the African-oriented survey-based women’s empowerment (SWPER) index and the changes made in the global version of the index, according to gender experts’ recommendations
Item (v) | Code or unit | Changes |
Attitude to violence domain |
1. Beating justified if wife goes out without telling husband |
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1 |
No changes |
2. Beating justified if wife neglects the children |
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1 |
No changes |
3. Beating justified if wife argues with husband |
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1 |
No changes |
4. Beating justified if wife refuses to have sex with husband |
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1 |
No changes |
5. Beating justified if wife burns the food |
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1 |
No changes |
Social independence domain: | ||
6. Frequency of reading newspaper or magazine |
Not at all = 0; |
No changes |
<once a week = 1; |
≥once a week = 2 |
7. Woman education in completed years of schooling |
Years |
No changes |
8. Age of woman at first birth* |
Years |
No changes |
9. Age at first cohabitation |
Years |
No changes |
10. Age difference: woman’s minus husband’s age |
Years |
No changes |
11. Education difference: woman’s minus husband’s years of schooling |
Years |
No changes |
Decision-making domain: | ||
12. Who usually decides on respondent's health care |
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1 |
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1 |
13. Who usually decides on large household purchases |
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1 |
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1 |
14. Who usually decides on visits to family or relatives |
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1 |
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1 |
X. Respondent worked in last 12 mo | No = 0; In the past year = 1; Have a job, but on leave last 7 d = 2; Currently working = 2 | Item excluded |
*This item age at first birth was imputed for those women who had not had a child, please see section 1.1 in the Online Supplementary Document for details.