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. 2020 Nov 8;10(2):020434. doi: 10.7189/jogh.10.020434

Table 2.

Items used in each domain of the African-oriented survey-based women’s empowerment (SWPER) index and the changes made in the global version of the index, according to gender experts’ recommendations

Item (v) Code or unit Changes
Attitude to violence domain

1. Beating justified if wife goes out without telling husband
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1
No changes
2. Beating justified if wife neglects the children
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1
No changes
3. Beating justified if wife argues with husband
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1
No changes
4. Beating justified if wife refuses to have sex with husband
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1
No changes
5. Beating justified if wife burns the food
Yes = -1; Don’t know = 0; No = 1
No changes
Social independence domain:
6. Frequency of reading newspaper or magazine
Not at all = 0;
No changes

<once a week = 1;

≥once a week = 2
7. Woman education in completed years of schooling
No changes
8. Age of woman at first birth*
No changes
9. Age at first cohabitation
No changes
10. Age difference: woman’s minus husband’s age
No changes
11. Education difference: woman’s minus husband’s years of schooling
No changes
Decision-making domain:
12. Who usually decides on respondent's health care
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1
13. Who usually decides on large household purchases
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1
14. Who usually decides on visits to family or relatives
Husband or other alone = -1; joint decision = 0; respondent alone = 1
Husband or other alone = -1; Joint decision or respondent alone = 1
X. Respondent worked in last 12 mo No = 0; In the past year = 1; Have a job, but on leave last 7 d = 2; Currently working = 2 Item excluded

*This item age at first birth was imputed for those women who had not had a child, please see section 1.1 in the Online Supplementary Document for details.