Axonal stimulations relieve miRNAs-mediated mRNAs silencing: role in axonal pathfinding. (i) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF) or Slit-2 stimulation induce miRNA de-repression and gate the translation of cytoskeleton regulators (MAP1B, CALM1, Cofilin-1) thereby regulating outgrowth and steering [41,52,73]; (ii) miR-92 keeps Robo1 silent in pre-crossing commissural axons (CAs), and miRNA de-repression at the midline triggers Robo1 translation and concomitant axon sensitivity to cue [75]; (iii) miR-26 de-repression in axons elicits glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3β) local synthesis and this leads to the decrease in axonal outgrowth [76].