Fig. 3. P value Distribution of Dietary Factors and the Bi-partite Food-Nutirent Network.
a P values are associated with two-sided Wald tests. The Y axis indicates the negative logarithm of the P value of each exposure. The dotted red horizontal line marks the level of 0.05 P value threshold and the solid red line demonstrates the level of 0.00117 P value threshold associated with the level of 0.05 FDR. Significant foods (diamonds) and nutrients (circles) with a negative association (HR < 1) are highlighted in green and exposures with a positive association (HR > 1) are shown in red. Source data are provided in Source Data - Figure 3-a.xlsx. b Bi-partite food-nutrient network, where negatively associated exposures are shown in green and positively associated exposures are shown in red. Different shapes are used to differentiate between foods (diamonds) and nutrients (circles). The node size is proportional to the absolute value of the estimated effect size. The link thickness is proportional to the amount of each nutrient’s composition in food. Source data are provided in Source Data - Figs. 3-b and 4-b.xlsx.