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. 2020 Nov 23;9(11):409. doi: 10.3390/biology9110409

Table 2.

Study on photobiomodulation (PBM) and socket preservation in human. A schematic representation of the experimental set-up and results.

Model Employed Teeth Extracted Wavelength and Device Parameters Irradiated Therapy Administered Methods of Detection Effect of PBM
Human [63] First and second molars 808 nm diode irradiation probe = no specified Power = 0.1 W; Power density = 3.6 W/cm2; fluence = 89 J/cm2; irradiation time: 25 s; continuous wave mode of irradiation (CW);
spot size area = 0.028 cm2
Irradiated at day 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 15, in 5 points (2 vestibulars, 1 occlusal, 2 linguals) Observation period = 45 days
Micro-computed-tomography (mCT) Histomorphometric analysis
Human [64] Lower molars 808 nm diode irradiation probe = no specified 0.1 W; 2.5 W/cm2; 75 J/cm2; 30 s; CW; 0.04 cm2 Irradiated at day 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, in 5 points (2 vestibulars, 1 occlusal, 2 linguals) Observation period = 40 days
Micro-computed-tomography (mCT) Histomorphometric analysis
Human [65] molars 940 nm diode irradiation probe = no specified 0.9 W; 36 J; 80 s; CW Irradiated at day 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, in 2 points (1 buccal, 1 lingual) Observation period = 56 days Histomorphometric analysis improvement
Human [52]
with hepatic disease
Molars 904-910 nm diode irradiation probe = no specified 0.2 W; 0.2 W/cm2; 180 J/cm2; 900 s; 1 cm2;
super-pulsed (SP) 200 ns; 3 kHz
Irradiated at day 0, 3 and 5 Observation period = 7 days. Real-time PCR = IL-1B; IL-6; IL-10; Col-1; Col-3; TGF-B2; COX-2; BMP-4; BMP-7; PPAR-B Inflammation = improved
Bone = no-effect
Human [53] molars 904-910 nm diode irradiation probe = no specified 0.2 W; 0.2 W/cm2; 180 J/cm2; 900 s; 1 cm2; SP 200 ns; 3 kHz Irradiated at day 0, 3 and 5 Observation period = 7 days. Real-time PCR = IL-1B; IL-6; IL-10; Col-1; Col-3; TGF-B2; COX-2; BMP-4; BMP-7; PPAR-B Inflammation = improved
Bone = no-effect
Human [66]
treated with allograft
Anterior, posterior, with roots fused teeth Osseo-pulsed phototherapy 0.02 W/cm2; 1200 s Irradiated for 21 days, daily Observation period = 60 days
Histomorphometric analysis
Human [67]
treated with biomaterial
Molars and premolars 810 nm diode 1 W; 1 W/cm2; 50 J/cm2; 50 s; 1 cm2; CW Irradiated at day 0, 3, 5 and 7 Observation period = 4 months. Radiographs
Histomorphometric analysis
Human [68] Molars 670 nm diode
632.8 nm He-Ne
670 nm = 20 mW, 1.5 J/cm2; 292 Hz, 9000 Hz, 20 mW, 1.5 mW; 5 Hz, 20 mW, 1.5 J/cm2
632.8 nm = 5 mW, 5 Hz, 1.5 J/cm2
Irradiated for 4 days, daily Observation period = 6 months. Bone density with digital radiovisiography. Protein staining = immunoglobulin A, albumin No-effect on bone

IL = interleukin; Col = collagen type; TGF = transforming growth factor; COX = cyclooxygenase; PPAR = peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; and BMP = bone morphogenetic protein.