Temporal Measures
Gait Cycle Time (GCT) [s] |
Defined as the time between two successive heel strikes of the same foot. |
Stance Time [s] |
The amount of time a foot is in contact with the ground within a single gait cycle. It is the time between the heel-strike and the successive toe-off of the same foot. |
Stance Phase [%] |
Stance time expressed in percentage of the GCT. |
Swing Time [s] |
Duration of the swing phase, in which the foot is not in contact with the ground. It is calculated as the time between the toe-off and the successive heel strike of the same foot. |
Swing Phase [%] |
Swing time expressed in percentage of the GCT. |
Single Support [%] |
Part of the GCT in which a single foot is in contact with the ground. It is the time between the toe-off of the opposite foot and the successive heel-strike of the opposite foot, expressed in percentage of the GCT. |
Double Support [%] |
Part of the GCT in which both feet are in contact with the ground. It is the time between the heel-strike of a foot and the successive toe-off of the opposite foot, expressed in percentage of the GCT. |
Cadence [steps/min] |
Number of steps per minute. |
Spatial Measures
Stride Length [m] |
Distance covered during GCT. |
Stride Velocity [m/s] |
Defined as the ratio between Stride Length and GCT. |