Fig. 2 .
Association of the mean log10 TTV levels with the main patient characteristics (from left to right: TTV mean for every patients, association with age (years), age at transplantation (years), post-transplantation time (years), primary disease (0 = CAKUT, 1 = glomerular disease, 2 = cystic kidney disease 3 = nephrotic syndrome, 4 = metabolic disease), donation type (0 = living donor, 1 = diseased donor), gender (0 = male 1 = female), number of mismatches, anti-proliferative medication (0 = none, 1 = mycophenolate mofetil, 2 = azathioprine), donor-specific antibody (0 = no, 1 = yes), immunosuppression prescription (0 = tacrolimus, 1 = cyclosporine A, 2 = rapamycin)). Boxplots were drawn regardless of group sample sizes (for group sample sizes, see Table 1)