Recent patents related to recombinant microalgae vaccine in aquaculture.
Number | Patent Number | Pathogen | Antibacterial peptides (AP) Antigen (Ag) | Expression host | Vector | Promoter | Position | Effect | References |
1 | US2016346373-A1 | Beta-nodavirus | Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) Capsid protein or fragment thereof | P. tricornutum | pPhaT1 | fcpA, fcp B | Vacuole | Improving the effectiveness of oral vaccines | Chen, 2016 |
2 | WO2008027235-A1 | WSSV | / | D. salina | pRrMDWK | Constitutive Inducible | Cytoplasm | Improving survival after virus attack | Durvasula and Durvasula, 2008 |
3 | US2011014708-A1 | / | LFB VP28 | N. oculata | pCB740 pGEM-T | RBCS2, HSP70A | Nucleus Cytoplasm | Improving antibacterial and antiviral activity | Tsai and Li, 2011 |
4 | US2017202940-A1 | R. salmoninarum | P57 protein | C. reinhardtii | pUC18 pSSRC7 | psbA β2-tubulin | Nucleus Chloroplast | Detecting antibodies in vivo | Sayre et al., 2017 |
5 | US2014170181-A1 | WSSV | VP28 | Chlorella sp. | pGA4 | / | Cytoplasm | 100% protection rate | Moi et al., 2014 |