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. 2020 Sep 4;319(5):H948–H964. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00318.2020

Table 3.

Rupture-related mortality in wild-type mice undergoing nonreperfused myocardial infarction protocols

Strain Sex Age, wk Mortality, % Duration of Follow-up Rupture rates, rupture × 100/total deaths Rupture Assessment Criteria Ref.
C57BL/6J M+F 18 45 7 33 Hem or RS (43)
C57BL/6 M 8–10 35.6 28 78.7 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (46)
C57BL/6J M+F 10–12 35 28 100 Hem and RS (14)
C57BL/6 M 12 46.6 56 92 Hem and RS (87)
C57BL/6 M 8–12 22.7 7 80 Hem and RS (93)
C57BL/6J M+F 12 42 28 63 (M), 38.5 (F) Hem and RS (48)
C57BL/6 M 8–10 52 7 60.6 Hem (45)
C57BI/6J M+F N/A 45 14 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (15)
C57BL/6 M 8–16 75 28 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (2)
N/A M+F N/A 12 7 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (26)
C57Bl/6J M+F N/A 40 7 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (75)
C57BL/6 M 10 55 28 96 Hem and/or RS (96)
C57BL/6J M 8–12 40 28 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (77)
C57BL/6 M 8–12 41 56 80 RS (7)
C57BL/6 M 8–12 20 14 83 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (12)
C57BL/6 M 12–20 65 14 26.1 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (84)
C57BL/6/129/svj M 8–12 34.6 42 11.5 RS (50)
C57BL/6 M 8–12 39.3 28 57.7 Histology (64)
C57BL/6 M 10–12 35 28 85 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (53)
C57BL/6J M+F 8–12 16 28 73 Hem or RS (85)
C57BL/6 M 12 58 28 92 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (81)
C57BL/6 M 10–12 48 28 62.5 Hem and RS (58)
C57BL/6 M+F N/A 44 28 63.6 Histology (46)
C57BL/6J M 16 60 28 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (39)
C57BL/6 × FVB F 12–14 15 7 100 Hem and/or RS (83)
C57BL/6 M 10–16 51 28 70 Hem or RS (97)
C57BL/6 M 10 50 7 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (92)
C57BL/6 M 9–12 50 28 87.4 Hem and RS (82)
C57BL/6 M+F 7–8 60 120 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (70)
C57BL/6 M 8–10 22 14 100 Hem and RS (71)
C57Bl/6 M 8–10 53 7 55.8 Histology (59)
C57BL/6 M 8 31 5 33.6 RS (54)
C57BL/6 M 8–10 41 28 69.7 Hem and RS (44)
C57BL/6 M 9–12 27.1 7 100 Hem (63)
C57BL/6 M+F N/A 40 28 85.5 Hem (34)
C57BL/6 M 10–12 19.8 28 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (3)
C57BL/6 M+F 12–16 6 14 50 RS and Histology (88)
C57BL/6J M 11–12 28 10 75 Hem and Infusion (67)
FVB M+F N/A 43.2 20 55 Hem (86)
C57BL/6 M N/A 66 7 40 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (61)
C57BL/6 M 8–28 25 30 33.6 Infusion (32)
C57BL/6 M 10–12 40 28 80 Hem (49)
FVB/njcl F 8–12 35 28 88 Hem (37)
C57BL/6J M 10–18 15% 14 60 Histology (78)
C57BL/6 M N/A 40 10 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (69),
C57BL/6J M 8 46 7 68 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (79)
C57BL/6J M 12–13 54 28 38.5 Histology (65)
C57BL/6 M 12–16 23.5 7 100 Autopsy (not otherwise specified) (42)
C57BL/6 M 8–12 N/A N/A 30 RS (36)
BalbC M 10–12 6 28 33.3 Hem (89)
C57BL/6 M 10–12 19 28 81.8 Hem (89)
FVB M 10–12 37 28 45.8 Hem (89)
129S6 M 10–12 42.8 28 93.3 Hem (89)
Swiss M 10–12 14.5 28 75 Hem (89)
FVB/N M+F 12–16 16.5 (M), 15.7 (F) 7 7.8 (M), 0 (F) Hem and RS (27)
C57BL/6 M+F 12–16 25.5 (M), 11.2 (F) 7 56 (M), 45.5 (F) Hem and RS (27)
129sv M+F 12–16 45.6 (M), 11.3 (F) 7 93.4 (M), 72.8 (F) Hem and RS (27)

M, male; F, female; N/A, not available; Hem, hemothorax (clot or blood in chest); RS, rupture site in gross pathology.