Results for Chloranthistemon endressii from angiosperm‐wide molecular backbone analyses using maximum parsimony, based on 12 floral characters that could be scored for this fossil (of 30 secondary characters in the data set). The backbone tree (circular chronogram) is a transformed version of the maximum clade credibility tree from Magallón et al. (2015), and the floral morphological data set for the 792 extant taxa is an updated version of the data set from Sauquet et al. (2017). Black branches in trees (circular tree and scaled‐up partial tree on the right) indicate most parsimonious (MP) positions; green branches indicate positions that are one step less parsimonious (MP+1). A gradient from yellow to gray branches indicates positions three or more steps less parsimonious. The same color coding applies to the legend in the lower left, indicating the number of most and less parsimonious positions. The drawing in the lower right shows the three‐lobed androecium of C. endressii (reproduced from Friis et al., 2011, with permission of Cambridge University Press). The position of Chloranthaceae is indicated by an orange bar in the circular chronogram. The concentric circles superimposed on the chronogram indicate a time scale with intervals of 20 million years, with the age of the most recent common ancestor of all angiosperms in the center of the figure set to 139.4 million years according to Magallón et al. (2015). The pink circle indicates the approximate age of C. endressii according to Crane et al. (1989).