Table 1.
Exercise components included in the SMT
Sensory part | Sensorimotor part | Laterality recognition training [54] | |
Sessions 1 + 2 |
Localisation training (left/right); detection of the number and localisation of points (starting distance: two-point discrimination threshold) Progression: ↑ number of points; ↑ speed; ↓ distance between points |
Pelvic tilt exercises; finding a middle position of the lower back in different postures (comparable to movement control tests) [26] Progression: Starting position (easy to hard) |
Recognition of the position of trunks pictured on a smartphone Progression: ↑ speed of the image sequence; ↑ number of images |
Sessions 3 + 4 |
Identification of numbers; simple arithmetic tasks (addition and subtraction of numbers from 0 to 9) Progression: ↓ size of numbers; varying the orientation; ↑ speed |
Movement control exercises comparable to movement control tests [26]; finding and maintaining a middle position of the lower back while performing simple movements of the trunk or extremities. Progression: Starting position; performing additional movements |
As above. Individual progression based on actual performance |
Sessions 5 + 6 |
Identification of letters; recognition of three-letter words. Progression: ↓ font size; varying the orientation; ↑ speed |
As above, but with additional complex movements of the trunk or extremities; transfer to functional activities related to the patient’s symptoms. Progression: Complexity of starting position; use of additional weights |
As above. Individual progression based on actual performance; ↑ complexity of images |