Table 2.
Major neuroendocrine tumors of the GEP system and their associations with multiple endocrine neoplasias
Gastrin | Zollinger-Ellison diarrhea, atypical Gl ulcers | Gastrinoma | 1 |
Insulinoma | Hypoglycemia, symptomatic | Insulinoma | 1 |
VIP | Watery diarrhea syndrome | VIPoma | 1 (rare) |
Glucagon | Dermatosis, diabetes, thromboembolism | Glucagonoma | 1 (rare) |
Somatostatin | Diabetes, fat malabsorption, cholelithiasis | Somatostatinoma | 1 (rare) 2 (very rare) |
Pancreatic polypeptide | Asymptomatic | PP-oma | 1 |
Calcitonin | Asymptomatic/diarrhea, flushing | Medullary thyroid carcinoma | 2 |
Norepinephrine/epinephrine | Hypertension, tachycardia, pallor | Pheochromocytoma | 2 |
Serotonin, substance P, neurotensin | Flushing, diarrhea, cool perspiration | Carcinoid | 1 (lung carcinoid) 2 (ileal carcinoid) |
MEN1, autosomal-dominant; gene resides on chromosome 11q13; 610 aa nuclear protein “MENIN” Tumor Suppressor. MEN2, autosomal-dominant, gene on chromosome 10q; a receptor tyrosine kinase protooncogene6,59.
Modified from O’Dorisio TM, Vinik Al. Pancreatic polypeptide in missed hormone-producing tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. In Cohen S, Soloway RD (Eds) Contemporary issues in gastroenterology. Edinburgh: Churchill-Livingston 1984;5:117–128; with permission.