Fig. 4.
Comparison of the left lung structure in rats with PF. The pictures with a low magnification of left lung sections stained with H&E was obtained from the Normal, BLM, BLM + Nintedanib, BLM + Pirfenidone, and BLM + HUMSCs groups on day 49 (a). From high magnification, a massive cell infiltration in the center areas of the left lungs was seen after BLM damage. Transplantation of HUMSCs ameliorated cell infiltration as the alveolar structures were observed (b). From high magnification, the alveolar structures were preserved in the outer region of the left lung, albeit the sizes of alveoli varied (c). The total volume of left lung was quantified by summing data from all left lung sections, which revealed that transplantation of HUMSCs significantly increased the total left lung volume (d), raised the total air space (e), and reduced the area infiltrated by inflammatory cells (f). The number (g) and the circumference (h) of alveoli in the unit area in the outer regions of the left lung were further quantified, which showed that transplantation of HUMSCs effectively increased the number and circumference of alveoli in the unit area for gas exchange, while the left lung structures of the rest treatment groups were similar with the BLM group. n = 8 or 9 in each group. ✽: vs the Normal group, p < 0.0001. ♦: vs the BLM + HUMSCs group, p < 0.0001