Fig. 2.
Genomic features of ssRNA viruses causing respiratory infections. a Pairwise correlation matrix across all features. A description of feature construction is given in the “Methods” section. Each circle indicates Spearman’s correlation coefficient (ρ) between two features. The colors represent the rank-correlation coefficients (red indicates positive correlation and blue indicates negative correlation), and the circle sizes correspond to significance (p value), where significant correlations (p value < 0.05) are circled in black. b Scatter plots illustrating the relationships between features across four virus families. c Estimation of the features’ association with the virus family, based on p values (−log-scaled) from two tests applied (see the “Methods” section for details). The cutoff (p value = 0.05) is indicated with a dashed line. Lower values correspond to features that are not significantly associated with a virus family. d Boxplot and overlaid dot plot of the incubation periods across viral families. e Dot plots of different features across virus families