(A) Immunohistochemistry of glandular tissues. The SM and PAR acinar cells are highly enriched for amylase (AMY1), statherin (STATH), and lactoperoxidase (LPO) compared with the SL, consistent with these proteins being markers of serous cells. MUC7 and CRISP3 are expressed by a subset of acinar cells of the SM and SL, with little to no expression in the PAR. MUC5B is highly expressed by the SL mucous acinar cells, but not by the acinar cells of the PAR or SM, indicating it to be a marker of SL function. Scale bar, 25 μm.
(B) MUC7 and amylase are expressed by distinct subtypes of serous acinar cells. The mature SM tissue section was immunolabeled for MUC7 (red), AMY (green), and ECAD (gray).
(C) Gel electrophoretic separation of whole mouth saliva (WS) and glandular ductal secretions (PAR and SM/SL), followed by staining of proteins with Coomassie blue and of glycoproteins with periodic acid Schiff stain (pink bands in left panel) and probing of transfers with antibodies against MUC7, AMY, BPIFA2, CRISP3, and STATH (right panel).