Figure 2. Evaluation of spike sorters on a simulated Neuropixels dataset.
(A) A visualization of the activity on and traces from the simulated Neuropixels recording. (B) The signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) for the ground-truth units. (C) The number of detected units for each of the six spike sorters (HS = HerdingSpikes2, KS = Kilosort2, IC = IronClust, TDC = Tridesclous, SC = SpyKING Circus, HDS = HDSort). (D) The accuracy, precision, and recall of each sorter on the ground-truth units. (E) A breakdown of the detected units for each sorter (precise definitions of each unit type can be found in the SpikeComparison Section of the Methods). The horizontal dashed line indicates the number of ground-truth units (250).