Regressions of hyperpallium and Wulst measurements. (a) Hyperpallium volumes regressed on brain‐remainder volume (i.e., brain volume minus hyperpallium volume). Slope = 1.24, adjusted R
2 = 0.87. (b) Wulst surface areas regressed on endocast‐remainder volume (i.e., endocast surface area minus Wulst surface area). Slope = 1.2, adjusted R
2 = 0.86. (c) Relative hyperpallium volume, as expressed as the percent of the brain occupied by the hyperpallium, regressed on relative Wulst surface area, as expressed as the percent of the endocast occupied by the Wulst. Slope = 0.91, adjusted R
2 = 0.61. (d) Absolute hyperpallium volumes regressed on absolute Wulst surface areas. Slope = 1.31, adjusted R
2 = 0.91. For all regressions, the line from the PGLS regression is plotted in black, 95% confidence intervals are represented by the dashed lines, and 95% prediction intervals are represented by the dotted lines