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. 2020 Sep 6;237(6):1162–1176. doi: 10.1111/joa.13285


The endocast‐structure surface areas (SA) and brain‐region volumes (Vol) analyzed

Species Optic Lobe SA (mm2) Optic Tectum Vol (mm3) Wulst SA (mm2) Hyperpallium Vol (mm3) Endocast SA (mm2) Brain Vol (mm3)
Agelaius phoeniceus 7,vii 104.4 50.8 115.5 106.1 832.0 1614.9
Amazilia tzacatl 7,vii 35.4 12.8 27.7 11.3 215.4 182.27, 175.9vii
Anas platyrhynchos 3,iii 164.1 251.5 211.1 572.2 2098.4 5738.0
Apteryx australis mantelli 8,v 56.9 32.0 174.4 224.0 2629.4 8293.08, 5299.0v
Apus apus 2 56.9 42.8 439.8 668.0
Ardea cinerea 3,iii 296.7 697.8 233.3 520.4 2453.7 8446.0
Bonasa umbellus 2,vii 192.7 182.3 97.8 171.9 1204.7 3136.07, 2548.3vii
Bubo virginianus 6,vi 238.5 277.0 1145.3 2617.4 3900.5 17199.1
Bubulcus ibis 3,iii 199.5 211.0 147.7 220.7 1323.1 4025.0
Buteo swainsoni 4 266.8 450.1 2334.3 8099.0
Colinus virginianus 3,iii 104.6 112.3 50.8 69.2 652.8 1091.0
Columba livia 3,iii 128.1 198.3 57.0 187.4 953.3 2093.0
Crypturellus tataupa 1,i 111.7 159.3 35.0 66.2 669.1 1583.0
Dacelo novaeguineae 3,iii 271.6 333.9 85.2 176.3 1607.3 3515.0
Dromaius novaehollandiae 8,v 446.0 494.2 913.26 4388.0 5861.3 21029.38, 21830.0v
Fulica americana 2,vii 130.3 127.7 94.5 227.5 1118.3 2719.02, 2797.0vii
Junco hyemalis 7,vii 70.1 50.5 53.8 61.0 433.8 879.17, 834.9vii
Larus philadelphia 7 140.9 160.3 1034.2 2512.6
Meleagris gallopavo 3,iii 373.0 771.1 238.1 469.0 2671.2 7990.0
Melopsittacus undulatus 3,iii 67.1 59.6 88.1 84.4 677.4 1220.0
Mergus serrator 4 154.5 188.9 1622.2 4754.0
Nyctidromus albicollus 3,iii 70.2 37.0 46.3 66.0 525.3 910.0
Passer domesticus 3,iii 63.3 62.7 65.4 117.1 557.6 989.0
Phalacrocorax auritus 2,ii 259.0 187.2 534.3 1381.2 3163.2 7323.02, 7149.4ii
Picoides pubescens 7 78.1 50.1 708.6 997.5
Psittacus erithacus 5,iv 251.6 155.1 424.8 668.6 3071.0 6405.4
Ptilinopus superbus 4 93.8 66.2 671.1 1052.1
Rhea americana 3,iii 514.7 1286.6 594.6 2295.1 4758.7 19228.0
Scolopax rusticola 7,vii 97.2 104.9 75.6 130.4 1232.5 2593.67, 2678.6vii
Spheniscus magellanicus 3,iii 290.4 672.3 546.9 2362.6 3877.4 16757.0
Sphyrapicus varius 7 71.6 65.1 676.2 888.4
Steatornis caripensis 3,iii 97.6 104.7 214.8 749.5 1355.8 3900.0
Thalassarche melanophris 7 261.1 246.4 4330.9 14129.3
Tyto alba 3,iii 92.8 136.5 616.3 1605.4 2249.3 6149.0

Sources for optic tectum volumes: 1Bee de Speroni and Pirlot, 1987; 2Iwaniuk et al., 2006; 3Iwaniuk et al., 2008; 4Iwaniuk et al., 2010; 5Corfield et al., 2011; 6Gutiérrez‐Ibáñez et al., 2013; 7Gutiérrez‐Ibáñez et al., 2014; 8Corfield et al., 2016 and Corfield pers. comm. Sources for hyperpallium volumes: iBee de Speroni and Pirlot, 1987; iiBoire 1989; iiiIwaniuk et al., 2008; ivCorfield et al., 2011; vCorfield et al., 2012; viGutiérrez‐Ibáñez et al., 2013; viipresent study. In cases where two different specimens were measured, both brain volumes are listed with the appropriate superscript to indicate source. For example, the brain volume of the Amazilia tzacatl specimen for which optic tectum volume was measured is 182.2 mm3, and that of the specimen for which hyperpallium volume was measured is 175.9 mm3.