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. 2020 Sep 6;237(6):1162–1176. doi: 10.1111/joa.13285


The results of tests of phylogenetic signal, slope, intercept, adjusted R‐squared, and p‐values for all PGLS regressions run with the Prum + Jetz phylogeny

Regression Pagel's λ p‐value Slope Intercept Adj. R 2 p‐value
OT Vol. vs. BR Vol. 6.61e−5 1.00 0.72 −0.80 0.64 9.65e−9
OL SA vs. ER SA 1.00 0.096 0.69 0.049 0.71 3.27e−10
% OT Vol. vs. % OL SA 6.61e−05 1.00 1.35 −1.65 0.79 1.24e−12
OT Vol. vs. OL SA 7.03e−05 1.00 1.44 −2.19 0.88 <2.20e−16
H Vol. vs BR Vol. 0.75 0.46 1.24 −4.23 0.87 2.93e−12
W SA vs. ER SA 1.00 2.54e−3 1.17 −3.40 0.86 7.00e−12
% H Vol. vs. % W SA 6.61e−5 1.00 0.91 −0.016 0.61 1.58e−6
H Vol. vs. W SA 0.48 0.68 1.31 −0.85 0.91 1.50e−14
OT Vol. vs. BR Vol. 6.61e−5 1.00 0.72 −0.80 0.64 9.65e−9
OL SA vs. ER SA 1.00 0.096 0.69 0.049 0.71 3.27e−10
% OT Vol. vs. % OL SA 6.61e−05 1.00 1.35 −1.65 0.79 1.24e−12
OT Vol. vs. OL SA 7.03e−05 1.00 1.44 −2.19 0.88 <2.20e−16
H Vol. vs BR Vol. 0.75 0.46 1.24 −4.23 0.87 2.93e−12
W SA vs. ER SA 1.00 2.54e−3 1.17 −3.40 0.86 7.00e−12
% H Vol. vs. % W SA 6.61e−5 1.00 0.91 −0.016 0.61 1.58e−6
H Vol. vs. W SA 0.48 0.68 1.31 −0.85 0.91 1.50e−14

Phylogenetic signal is low and insignificant in most regressions. All of the relationships represented by these regressions are significant (p = 0.05). Abbreviations: BR, brain remainder; ER, endocast remainder; H, hyperpallium; OL, optic lobe; OT, optic tectum; SA, surface area; Vol., volume; W, Wulst.