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. 2020 Nov 15;60:531–541. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2020.11.032

Table 2.

Clinical and medication characteristics of the tuberculosis patients at Nekemte specilaized hospital, 2013–2019.

HIV related characteristics Frequency(n) Percentage (%)
Type of TB PTB+ 192 37.9
PTB- 193 38.1
EPTB 121 23.9
TB registration status (TB enrollment) New 446 88.1
Relapse 42 8.3
Treatment failure 10 2.0
Treatment after default 8 1.6
INH Propylaxis Yes 33 6.5
No 324 93.5
HIV status Reactive 124 24.5
Non-reactive 347 68.6
Indeterminate 35 6.9
CD4 count during TB diagnosis (Cells/mm3) [n = 124] ≥200 21 17
50–199 37 30
<50 66 53
WHO HVI stage during TB diagnosis [n = 124] Stage I 6 4.9
Stage II 9 7
Stage III 36 29
Stage IV 73 58.9
Enrolled in HIV care [n = 124] Yes 115 92.7
No 9 7.3
CPT given [n = 124] Yes 110 88.7
No 14 11.3
Started ART [n = 124] Yes 105 84.7
No 19 15.3
ART regimen at TB diagnosis [n = 124] TDF-3TC-NVP 65 52.42
TDF-3TC-EFV 37 29.84
D4t-3TC-NVP 9 7.26
AZT-3TC-EFV 5 4.03
ABC-3TC-EFV 5 4.03
AZT-3TC-NVP 3 2.42
Second line regimens 65 52.42
INH Propylaxis Yes 64 12.6
No 442 87.4
Functional status Working 341 67.4
Ambulatory 125 24.7
Bedriden 40 7.9
Nutritional status Malnourished 191 37.7
Not malnourished 315 62.3
Presence of comorbidity (n = 232) HIV 124 53.4
Other RTI (including Asthma) 31 13.3
Cardiovascular disorders (HTN, IHD, HF) 27 10.3
Diabetes Mellitus 21 9.1
Pschiatric disorders (depression and anxiety 16 6.9
Renal diseases 9 3.9
Anemia 4 1.7
Treatment associated adverse effects (toxicity) yes yes 143
No No 363

ART: Antiretroviral treatment; CD4: Cluster differentiation-4, HIV: Human immune virus; WHO: World health organization. EPTB: Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis; TB: Tuberculosis; PTB+: Pulmonary positive TB, PTB-: Pulmonary negative TB; INH: Isoniazid; CPT: Cotrimoxazole preventive therapy, ABC: Abacavir; TDF: Tenofovir fumarate; 3 TC: Lamivudine, D4T: Stavudine; AZT: Zidovudine; EFV: Efavirenz; NVP: Nevirapine; HTN: Hypertension; IHD: Ischemic heart diseases; HF: Heart failure; RTI: Respiratory tract infection.