Univariate analysis of differentially expressed (DE) genes in ECMO and MODS. (a) Odds ratio of the DE genes between ECMO and MODS (reference). A total of 7 genes from 30 DE genes are significant (OR > 1 and P value < 0.05, logistic regression). (b) Expression of the DE genes in CT, ECMO and MODS patients at different time points. The higher expression of the genes in ECMO than in MODS at three time points (0h, 72h and 8d) suggests their strong association with the deterioration from MODS to ECMO. Blue colour displayed- control (CT), grey colour displayed- MODS patients and cyan colour displayed- ECMO patients. *** P-value < 1E-06 (Student's T-test). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)