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. 2020 Oct 30;55(6):993–1002. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13586


The covariates used in this study and their d

Covariate Description Mean (median; IQR)
AGE Patient age in years, recorded at admission 65.0 (67; 54‐78)
MALE Male gender indicator 47.5% (–)
DCO 4 Code status at discharge (4 categories) 84.3% (–)
HOSP PRIOR7 CT Count of hospitalizations in the last 7 d prior to the current admission 0.05 (0; 0‐0)
HOSP PRIOR8 30 CT Count of hospitalizations in the last 8 to 30 d prior to the current admission 0.11 (0; 0‐0)
LOS 30 Length of stay, in days (with stays above 30 d truncated at 30 d) 4.6 (3; 2‐5)
MEDICARE Indicator for Medicare Advantage status 58.8% (–)
DISCHDISP Discharge disposition (home, skilled nursing, home health) 72.7% (–)
LAPS2 Laboratory‐based acuity of illness score, recorded at admission 55.7 (49; 16‐84)
LAPS2DC Laboratory‐based acuity of illness score, recorded at discharge 44.5 (40; 24‐60)
COPS2 Comorbidity and chronic condition score, updated monthly 44.7 (24; 10‐66)
HCUPSGDC Diagnosis supergroup classification
W (or Wi) Treatment: Transitions Program intervention 5.2% (–)
Y (or Yi) Outcome: Nonelective readmission within 30 d postdischarge 12.4% (–)

A more comprehensive listing of characteristics, stratified respective to the implementation of the Transitions Program, as well as definitions of the HCUPSGDC variables, can be found in the Appendix S1. For binary variables, only means are presented; for DCO_4 and DISCHDISP, the quantities presented correspond to the proportion of discharges who were full code, and those disharged to home, respectively.

Abbreviations: COPS2, COmorbidity Point Score, version 2; HCUPSGDC, Health Care and Utilization Project Super Group at discharge; IQR, interquartile range; LAPS2, Laboratory‐based Acute Physiology Score, version 2.