Distribution of the egg weight classes (weeks 21–48) in the whole clutch of brown-egg and white-egg layer hens depending on the supply of edible enrichment materials. Egg classification was according to the Commission Regulation (EG, No. 589/2008; XL—individual egg mass ≥73 g, L—63 g ≤ individual egg mass <73 g, M—53 g ≤ individual egg mass <63 g, S—individual egg mass <53 g). Abbreviations: LB, Lohmann Brown classic; LSL, Lohmann Selected Leghorn classic; variants: V1, no additional enrichment materials supplied over the whole study period; V2, the rearing period with and the laying period without supply of additional enrichment materials; V3, the rearing period without and the laying period with supply of additional enrichment materials; V4, supply of additional enrichment materials over the whole study period. Different indices indicate differences concerning the proportion of eggs classified as M or L between variants within a genetic strain (P < 0.05).