Anatomical reconstructions reveal a similar convergence pattern as physiology
A. Serial-section EM reconstruction (lateral view) of all myelinated utricular afferents (blues) and VS neurons (browns) on the right side of one animal (5.5 dpf). Inset, identified synaptic contacts between afferents and VS neurons (red). Color scale represents number of distinct afferents synapsing with a given VS neuron (browns). VS neurons with greater number of afferent inputs are located more ventrally.
B. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction as in A. Color scale represents number of VS neurons contacted by a given afferent (blues).
C. Number of distinct synaptic contacts from each utricular afferent onto each VS neuron, based on serial-section EM reconstruction.
D. Histogram of the numbers of distinct afferents converging onto each VS neuron, as measured by serial-section EM reconstruction (11 neurons, 1 fish)
E. Histogram of the numbers of distinct afferents converging onto each VS neuron, as inferred from whole-cell physiology recording (104 neurons, 89 fish)