Many of the top DE genes are located near genetic variants that
segregate bHR/bLR rats within QTLs for exploratory locomotor activity.
(A) Our concurrent genetic study used exome sequencing to
identify SNVs that segregated bHR/bLR rats in our colony (25). A high percentage of bHR/bLR DE genes (adult
meta-analysis: FDR ˂ .05) were found within ±100, 250, or 500 kb
or 1 MB of these segregating variants, using either traditional
(Bonferroni-corrected p ˂ .05) or more stringent
(Bonferroni-corrected p ˂ 5.00 ×
10−5) criteria to define segregation. An asterisk (*)
designates enrichment (Fisher’s exact test: p ˂
.0001) in comparison with the non-DE genes in our meta-analysis (FDR >
.05). (B) Our concurrent genetic study used a sampling of bHR/bLR
segregating variants to identify QTLs for exploratory locomotor activity in a
novel field using a bHRxbLR F2 intercross (25). bHR/bLR DE genes (adult meta-analysis: FDR ˂ .05) were
4.5 times more likely to overlap (±1 MB) QTLs for exploratory locomotion
than other genes included in our meta-analysis (Fisher’s exact test:
p = .0035). (C) A table illustrating the top
genes from our meta-analyses (FDR ˂ .10; bold + italic = FDR ˂
.05) that overlap (±1 MB) significant (LOD > 4) and putative (LOD
> 3) QTLs for exploratory locomotion identified by our concurrent genetic
study (25). Also depicted is overlap with
QTLs identified in the Rat Genome Database (41) for the following behaviors relevant to the bHR/bLR phenotype:
anxiety (56–61), stress-related responses (62–64),
and behavioral despair (65).
(D) The top chromosomal loci enriched for bHR/bLR DE genes
overlap previously identified QTLs relevant to externalizing and internalizing
behaviors. The top chromosomal loci enriched for bHR/bLR DE genes were
identified using PGE analysis: location (full coordinates, defined to include
the start coordinates for all genes with p ˂ .01 in the
P14 or adult meta-analysis in the region), p value, FDR, and
enrichment score. Also depicted is the overlap (±1 MB) of these enriched
chromosomal loci with QTLs for exploratory locomotor activity (25) as well as with QTLs identified in the Rat Genome
Database (41) for anxiety (56–59), stress-related responses (62–64,73–75),
and behavioral despair (65). Enrichment
Score: ratio of genes with p ˂ .01 out of all genes in
the region. bHR, bred high-responder; bIR, bred intermediate-responder; bLR,
bred low-responder; Chr, chromosome; DE, differentially expressed; FDR, false
discovery rate; LOD, logarithm of the odds score; MB, megabase; PGE, positional
gene enrichment; P-value, nominal p value; QTLs, quantitative
trait loci; SNV, single nucleotide variant.