The top bHR vs. bLR DE results are enriched with genes related to cell
proliferation, differentiation, and development, including the canonical Mki67.
(A) A table of the top functional ontology gene sets identified
as enriched for bHR/bLR DE genes by GSEA (bold = p < .05
in GSEA results; bold + italic = FDR < .05 in GSEA results; NES: positive
scores [green] indicate higher expression in bHRs and negative scores [red]
indicate higher expression in bLRs). The top 10 leading edge genes for each gene
set are shown (bold + italic = FDR < .05 in meta-analysis). These genes
have large estimated effect sizes within the meta-analysis and help to drive the
enrichment of effects within these gene sets. (B) A PPI network
constructed using the top genes from the adult meta-analysis (192 genes with FDR
< .10; STRINGdb: confidence setting = .40) had a dominant subnetwork that
included Bmp4 and Mki67 as hub genes. Many of
these genes are related to cell proliferation and differentiation within the
brain. (C) Two genetic variants on Chr 1 within
Mki67 fully segregated bHR and bLR rats in our colony
(Rnor5 coordinates, Fisher’s exact test: SNV 1_214939984:
p = 2.02 × 10−11; SNV 1_214940284:
p = 2.02 × 10−11).
(D) A forest plot showing that Mki67 was
consistently elevated in bLR rats in adulthood (boxes = Cohen’s
d from each study ± 95% CIs; Model = estimated
effect size ± 95% CIs provided by the meta-analysis; adult: β =
22.01, p = 4.03 × 10−5, FDR = 1.99
× 10−2). (E) Within the behavioral data
accompanying the MBNI_RNA-Seq_F37 dataset, Mki67 [units =
log(2) FPM] showed a negative
relationship with locomotor score (β = 20.000249,
R2 = .41, p = .0042). bHR, bred
high-responder; bLR, bred low-responder; Chr, chromosome; CI, confidence
interval; DE, differentially expressed; FDR, false discovery rate; FPM,
fragments per million; GSEA, gene set enrichment analysis; NES, normalized
enrichment score; P, postnatal day; PPI, protein–protein interaction;
SNV, single nucleotide variant.