Education and training needs |
(1a) …They did say to us that [it] would be… …a miracle if they managed to save his eye. That was our worst-case scenario. (Parent 11) |
(1b) These sudden pains didn't start for a while after. I didn't know they were coming……and then…I felt like, ‘what’s this? ……why is she getting these and is it.… fine that she should be exercising?’ (Parent 16) |
(1c) if there would have been any side effects, or things, to look out for, you know?…like I suppose like you get on any medicine (Parent 26) |
(1d) That really did help……I just felt prepared then. It was like ‘right, we can do it at the hospital, we can do it at home.’ (Parent 12) |
Information needs |
(1e) I don't understand why a hospital can't just get in the modern world and email people……or phone them up and do a referral. Why they have to type and dictate a letter and it takes two weeks for it to get to the person they need it to get to. (Parent 8) |
(1f) they [the injuries] seemed quite complicated at first……because there was a lot.… They listed them………, so they laid it out clearly…, They just kind of explained each one to me……And …showed me some x-rays. (Child 10). |
(1g) Some people were saying he needs to wake up, he’s going to turn day into night and it’s not good for them… and some people were saying why are you waking him up………he needs to sleep, he needs to recover, and we were a bit like … what do we do? Are we going to wake him up or let him sleep? (Parent 6) |
(1h) It said … ‘fractured skull’. We were like,…, ‘it’s the first we’ve heard of it’… So, that was kind of disappointing really, that we hadn’t heard that. (Parent 18) |
Information needs: effective communication and information sharing |
(1i) We can just email at any stage if we've got any questions, which is fantastic. Anything I'm worried about, just email and they'll…respond straightaway. (Parent 9) |
(1j) I thought that was really good actually. A lot of the time they speak to [Injured child] rather than to me? Because he’s the injured one and worrying. (Parent 23) |