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. 2020 Nov 30;11:6087. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19919-y

Table 2.

Clinical information of the patients with variants in MINPP1.

Family CerID-30 CerID-30 CerID-09 CerID-11 TR-PCH-01 PCH-2712 PCH-2456 PCH-2456
Subject CerID-30-1 CerID-30-2 CerID-09-2 CerID-11-1 TR-PCH-01-1 2712-2-1 2456-5-2 2456-5-3
Gender F/M F F M F M F M F
Origin (country) Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia France France Turkey Egypt Egypt
Documented consanguinity No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Age at last follow-up 12 years 9 years 11 years 18 months 12 years 2y10m 4.5 years 1.5 years
Weight at birth (kg) 3.2 (M) 4.2 (+2 SD) 3.2 (M) 2.4 (−2SD) 3.710 3.0 (M) 3.4 (M) 3 (M)
Weight at last examination (kg) 30 (−1.5 SD) 23.4 (−0.5 SD) 16.9 (−4SD) 10 (−1SD) 36 10.5 (−2SD) 10.5 (−3SD) 8.5 (−3SD)
Length at birth (cm) 50 (M) 51 (M) 50.5 (M) 43.5 (−3SD) 50 NA 49.2 (M) 47.5 (−1SD)
HC at birth (cm) 34 (M) 35 (+1 SD) 35 (M) 30.6 (−3SD) 36 33 (−1SD) 34 (M) 32 (−1SD)
HC at last examination (cm, age) 48 cm (8 years; −2SD) 47 cm (4 years; −2SD) 47 cm (11 years; −5SD) 42 cm (18 months; −4SD) −2,55 (18 months) 41 cm (−5SD) 44.5 (−5SD) 42 (−3SD)
Onset Perinatal Perinatal Perinatal Prenatal Perinatal Perinatal Perinatal Perinatal
Progressive encephalopathy No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Posture: bedridden (B), sitting (S), walking (W) B B B B B B B B
Gross motor (normal/delayed/absent) Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Fine motor (normal/delayed/absent) Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Language (normal/delayed/absent) Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Social (normal/delayed/absent) Absent Absent Absent Absent Delayed Absent Absent Absent
Epileptic seizures + + + + + + +
Onset 7 years 4 years 5 years 1 day 2 months 3 months 5 months
Neurological Findings
Axial hypotonia + + + + + + + +
Distal hypertonia + + + + + + + +
Pyramidal signs Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia Spastic tetraplegia
Extra-pyramidal signs + + + + + + +
Ophthalmological findings
Nystagmus + + + + + bilateral + + +
Abnormal ocular movement + + + + + NA  +  +
Optic atrophy + + + +
VEP/ERG NA ERG VEP ERG/VEP NA abnormal VEP, left eye abnormal VEP
Others Ptosis/cataract Ptosis/cataract Blindness Ptosis Cataract Ptosis, Cataract couldn’t follow object
Metabolic Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
EEG Abnormal Normal Normal Normal Normal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Age at last investigation (years (y); months (m); days (d)) 2y7m 8m2d 1y11m 8m23d 4 m 6y8m 2.5 y 1.5 y
Cerebellum Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia Hypoplasia
Pons Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy Hypoplasia Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy
Cerebral cortex atrophy Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy Atrophy atrophy atrophy
Ventricles Enlarged Enlarged Enlarged Enlarged Enlarged Enlarged enlarged enlarged
Corpus callosum Thin NA thin Thin Thin
Basal Ganglia hypoplasia/atrophy + + + + thalamic atrophy + + +
Basal ganglia T2 hypersignal + + + + thalami +
Spectroscopy No lactate abnormality NA NA NA NA No lactate abnormality NA NA
Others (WM defect) WM periventricular atrophy WM periventricular atrophy NA NA NA WM periventricular atrophy
Other symptoms
Respiratory tract congestion No No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Apnoea No No No No No No Yes No
Impaired swallowing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Joint stiffness Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes No
Skeletal deformities Scoliosis Scoliosis Scoliosis Scoliosis Scoliosis Scoliosis scoliosis No
Cardiovascular findings No No NA NA No No No No
Urine screening Normal Normal NA Normal Normal recurrent urinary infection Normal Normal
Peripheral blood smear NA NA NA Thrombocytosis Normal NA NA NA
Muscle wasting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Facial dysmorphism Yes Yes No No Yes Micrognathia Non-specific small head, prominent nose, low set ear Non-specific small head, prominent nose, low set ears
Other NA NA Mild Normochromic, normocytic anaemia Abnormal fat distribution NA BAEP: no response

EEG electroencephalogram, ERG electroretinography, HC head circumference, M median, NA not available, VEP visual evoked potential.