Fig. 5.
FNIII domain of ATF7IP contributes to efficient silencing of SETDB1 target ERVs and some of MGA/MAX target germ cell-related genes. a The number of DE genes and repeats (FDR < 0.05, FC ≥ 2) in Atf7ip KO, Atf7ip KO rescued with WT or the FNIII domain mutant of ATF7IP and Zmym2 KO ESCs. b Overlap of differentially upregulated genes in Atf7ip KO EScs, Atf7ip KO ESCs rescued with WT or the FNIII domain mutant of Atf7ip. c GO term enrichment analysis for cellular component of up-regulated genes in Atf7ip KO ESCs (upper panel) or commonly upregulated genes in Atf7ip KO and Atf7ip KO ESCs rescued with the FNIII domain mutant of ATF7IP (lower panel). The analysis was performed by DAVID. d RT-qPCR analysis of germ-cell related genes in WT, Atf7ip KO, Atf7ip KO ESCs rescued with WT or the FNIII domain mutant of ATF7IP. RNA samples were collected at day 5 (left) or more than 2 weeks (right) after the transfection. RNA expression was normalized to Hprt expression and is shown relative to the level in WT cells. Data are mean ± SEM; n = 4. NS: P > 0.05, *P < 0.05 by unpaired Student’s t test. e Up-regulated repeats in Atf7ip KO mESCs. f Down-regulated repeats in Atf7ip KO mESCs expressing Atf7ip WT transgene. g Overlap of 3xFLAG-ATF7IP WT and FNIII domain mutant stringent peaks. h Enrichment of FLAG-ATF7IP in retroelements