Distribution of peaks associated with Sre1 target genes that encode proteins involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. The figure shows tracks (coverage bigWid files) of ChIP-exo assays of strains CBS.FLAG.SRE1N, CBS.cyp61−.FLAG.SRE1, and CBS.sre1− using the IGV software. ChIP: Immunoprecipitation assay with anti-FLAG antibody against FLAG-tagged Sre1. IgG: Isotype control assay with IgG. Peaks were located in the promoter regions of the genes that encode (Gene ID in brackets) CrtE (g5104), CrtS (g390), CrtYB (g3076), CrtI (g3011), and CrtR (g5928). The peak shown by the IGV software in the promoter region of gene g390 (CrtS) was not detected by the peak callers in strain CBS.cyp61−.FLAG.SRE1.