Figure 3. Tissue clearing preserves morphology of female reproductive tract and enables molecular imaging and post-processing of gametes in situ.
(A) Refractive index-matched cleared mouse female reproductive tract by CLARITY-based tissue clearing. (B) Optical imaging of the cleared female reproductive tract stained by WGA (red), Ac-Tub antibody (cyan) and DAPI (blue), 100×. Insets show cilia stained by Ac-Tub antibody in 2D (bottom right), a 3D (top left) projection of the ampulla, and a UTJ cross-section (bottom left). (C) Details of the ampullar epithelium stained by PNA (green), Ac-Tub antibody (red) and DAPI (blue), 400×. (D) 3D digital image reconstruction of the oviduct representing different 3D images rendered for oviductal surface (left) and central lumen of oviduct with (middle) or without (right) oviductal volume information. (E) Morphometric and fluorescent signal quantification analysis of the oviduct showing the morphometric meshwork representation of the 3D volumetric data from the oviduct imaging (top), the corresponding side view (bottom left) and the non-numerical visual representations of the basic volumetric (bottom middle) and fluorescent (bottom right) properties. (F) A fluorescent image showing a closer look of the cleared ampulla with oocytes (oocyte magnified in the panel G on the right-most side), 100×. (G) An oocyte with the meiotic spindle; a sperm cell is approaching the zona pellucida directly inside the ampulla, PNA (green), anti-AcTub antibody (red) and DAPI (blue), 630×. (H) A tile-scanned confocal image of the epithelium of the cleared ampulla (8 hr post-coitus) stained by anti-CatSper1 antibody (red), PNA (green), and DAPI (blue), 100×. (I) Details of the sperm stained directly inside the ampulla by anti-CatSper1 antibody (red). Two linear CatSper domains are clearly recognizable by confocal imaging. Cell nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue); acrosomes are stained with PNA (green). Images shown here are representative of at least three independent experiments. See also Figure 3—videos 3–7.