1: Detailed reading of the transcripts, to develop familiarization and full immersion with the data |
This involved “repeated reading” searching for meanings and patterns. Noting down initial ideas |
Prolonged engagement with the data and documentation of all initial thoughts in field notes |
2: Generating initial codes |
Interesting features of the data were coded in a systematic way across the data set, collating data relevant to each code using an excel spread sheet |
Peer debriefing in which the initial codes were discussed with experienced qualitative researchers. A reflexive journal was used to document decisions and help to synthesize the data. To assess inter-coder reliability, four transcripts were independently coded by an experienced researcher for any discrepancies |
3: Searching for themes |
Codes were collated into potential themes, gathering all relevant data to each potential theme. Initial ideas of themes were outlined on paper flip charts to develop a visual representation of the data |
Use of diagrams on paper charts to make sense of theme connections and hierarchies of concepts. Use of photographs to show how themes were developed |
4: Reviewing themes |
The themes were then checked to see if they worked in relation to the coded extracts (level 1) and the entire dataset (level 2). Following this, a thematic map of the analysis was generated on paper flip charts |
Themes and subthemes were discussed and reviewed at regular intervals with the research team. To test for representiveness of themes, the researcher returned frequently to the raw data at various stages |
5: Defining and naming themes |
On-going refinement of the themes was undertaken to portray the overall story that the analysis revealed, generating clear definitions and names for each theme |
Peer debriefing and clear documentation of meetings regarding theme development and select representative statements |
6: Producing the report |
A selection of vivid, compelling extract samples were included in the final analysis relating back to the research aim and literature |
Member checking by going back to several participants and checking that themes reflected the transcripts and peer debriefing. Clear description of decision-making and analytical process |