Fig. 2. Electronic medical record (EMR) data in genetic epilepsies can be mapped to discrete time intervals.
(a) Genetic etiologies in 658 individuals with known or presumed genetic epilepsies and distribution of epilepsy syndromes are shown (insert). (b) Individual data points in the electronic medical records used for the current analysis (n = 62,104). X-axis displays age at the given data point, individual patients are stacked (y-axis) and sorted by age at earliest encounter. (c) Binning of EMR data into 3-month intervals between birth and age 25 (100 bins). Only a subset of individuals are informative at each 3-month interval with a peak between 2 and 7 years of age and a maximum of 266/658 contributing to a given time interval at 2.25 years. Individuals not contributing to EMR usage at a given time point have not yet had contact with the health network, have left the network, or have not yet reached the given age. (d) Duration of EMR usage in the overall cohort is shown, defined as the time interval between the first and last encounter captured in the EMR, collectively adding up to 3251 years.