A, Fish were individually housed and consumed 6 mg of high-carotenoid food for greater than 4 months; figure shows fish and region of VAT sample (S, surface; T, Tinaja; P, Pachón; M, Molino). B, Fish were fed non-parasitic white grindal worms ad libitum for their entire lives; figure shows fish and region of VAT sample (S, surface; T, Tinaja; P, Pachón; M, Molino). C, Red intensity (iR) of VAT image from fish of the indicated populations and diet (fixed pellet: surface n= 2, Tinaja n = 7, Pachón n= 4, Molino n= 3; white worms: surface n= 8, Tinaja n = 10, Pachón n= 5, Molino n= 8). For box plots, median, 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles are represented by horizontal bars and vertical bars represent 1.5 interquartile ranges (p-values from one-way ANOVA with Turkey’s post hoc test).