CCA analysis conducted for top commercial and subsistence (referred to by letter ‘S’) commodities (black text) and their explanatory variables (size of land holdings (Small), market destination, principal actors and land tenure (blue text)). Market destination of commodity 1 (MarketC1) includes domestic local (Domestic L), domestic non-local (DomesticNL), international, all or unknown markets. Responses that indicated ‘not applicable’ also existed. Principal actors of commodity 1 (ActorsC1) include smallholders (Small), medium-sized enterprises (Medium), large-scale/industrial agriculture (Industrial), small and medium (SmallMed), medium and large (MedLarge) and all actors (All). Land tenure include public land/government-owned (PublicGov), public land/community use (PublicCom), private land/community use (PrivateCom), private land/individual use (PrivateInd) and disputed land (Disputed)