Fig. 3.
The UPS classification includes specific proteomic profiles and predictive radiomic features (A) Unsupervised Hierarchical Clustering of Protein Expression in UPS from Institut Bergonié (n = 23); 3 groups of patients are identified, PA, PB, PC, with 3 associated clusters of proteins and 565 proteins with differential expression (FC ≥ 2, p = 0.01). Corresponding color labels of samples according to RNA-sequencing profiling are shown. There is a high agreement on classification labels (precision: 82%) between proteomics and RNA-sequencing clusterings. (B) Hierarchical Clustering of UPS patients according to the 9-feature radiomic signature allows discriminating immune-high UPS from non-immune-high UPS (specificity: 100%, sensitivity: 86% and accuracy: 93%) (n = 14). Corresponding color labels of samples according to RNA-sequencing profiling are shown.