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. 2020 Nov 5;28:102490. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102490

Table 5.

Intrinsic network functional connectivity multiple regression analysis.

Network Group Contrast Measure Correlation Brain Region Cluster Size MNI Coordinate
t Stat. Z score p FWE Peak
x y z
SN Experimental Post NFB CAPS Decrease Negative Supplementary Motor Cortex 13 4 12 58 6.09 4.32 0.040
Anterior DMN Experimental Post > Pre NFB EEG-Training Alpha Dynamic Negative Right Posterior Insula* 12 40 −6 6 4.68 3.66 0.015

Pre- and post-neurofeedback intervention correlations for the PTSD experimental group and sham-control group (voxel-wise pFWE < 0.05, k = 10). * Denotes region-of-interest analysis also evaluated at the same error protection rate. Acronyms: DMN = default mode network, SN = salience network, CAPS = clinician administered PTSD scale (PTSD severity), NFB = neurofeedback.