Fig. 1.
Serological and functional characterisation of VLAP isoforms. a Sensitisation to macadamia nut extract and VLAP-2–3 evaluated in 82 nut allergic (NA) and 27 nut tolerant (NT) patients including 10 macadamia nut allergic (MA) and 18 macadamia nut tolerant (MT) patients. Specific IgE titres from MA patients are indicated in green and sIgE titres from MT patients are shown in red. b Sensitisation to VLAP isoforms and vicilins from seeds, tree nuts and legumes was evaluated in 8 MA, 12 MT and 14 NA patients sensitised to VLAP 2–3. MA patients are sorted by the severity of their reaction to macadamia nut. Specific IgE levels are expressed as EAST classes; Cl. 0 = 0 to 2 RU, Cl. 1 = 3 to 6 RU, Cl. 2 = 7 to 15 RU, Cl. 3 = 16 to 30 RU, Cl. 4 = 31 to 50 RU, Cl. 5 = 51 to 100 RU, Cl. 6 ≥ 100 RU. c Dose–response curves upon indirect basophil stimulation with VLAP isoforms, and macadamia nut extract on two different days with freshly obtained basophils. d Dose–response curves of stripped basophils with remaining donor IgE stimulated under the same conditions as c (negative control). e Dose–response curve of basophils loaded with sera from a peanut allergic patient sensitised to Ara h 2 upon stimulation with Ara h 2