Fig. 7. Administration of IL-18 rapidly releases the replicating virus into the luminal side.
mRV-infected mice were i.p injected with PBS, IL-22 (10μg), IL-18 (2 μg) or both cytokines on day 3 post-mRV inoculation. 6 or 24 h, later, mice were euthanized and contents of jejunums were isolated. RNA was extracted and used to measure of mRV genomes and replication status as reflected by NSP3 RNA levels and the ratio of NSP3 (+) RNA strand to complimentary NSP3 (−) RNA strand. (A and B) The overall mRV genome and efficacy of virus replication in small intestinal epithelial cells. (C to F) The overall mRV genome and efficacy of virus replication in luminal content from small intestine (one-way ANOVA, n = 5–10, * represents P < 0.05, ** represents P < 0.01, *** represents P < 0.001, **** represents P < 0.0001).