Figure 7. Detection of NETs in patients with severe varicella pneumonia and influenza pneumonia.
(A and B) Detection of His-DNA (A) and MPO-DNA complexes (B) in paired BAL and blood samples (obtained ± 2 days of BAL sample) in human influenza and VZV pneumonia patients by ELISA. Squares and circles indicate plasma and serum samples, respectively. Dashed line indicates absorbance in serum of healthy human control subjects. (C) Correlation between His-DNA (circles) and MPO-DNA (squares) complexes in BAL (red), paired plasma/serum samples (light gray), and time from onset of disease in VZV pneumonia. Filled arrowhead indicates time of hospital discharge (patient 1); open arrowhead indicates time of death (patient 2); arrow indicates time of secondary bacterial infection of the lung (patient 3). (A–C) The y axis indicates absorbance at 450–620 nm.