(Top) Snapshot of the
Ciinte.Dlx.c locus depicting ATAC-seq profile at mid-neurula stages, tested genomic regions, transcript models and conservation between
C. robusta and
C. savignyi (from
https://www.aniseed.cnrs.fr/ and
Dardaillon et al., 2020;
Madgwick et al., 2019). Schematic representation of the various constructs and their activity at tailbud stages in DML (blue) and VML (purple) (n indicates the total number of embryos examined, N indicates the number of independent experiments). (Bottom) Identification of putative TFBS for candidate upstream factors in Ciinte.Dlx.c-up4 aligned with its counterpart from
C. savignyi. All putative sites for Msx, Ascl.b, Klf1/2/4, Nkxtun3, and Dlx.c have been mapped, but only conserved sites are shown: 2 Msx, 1 Klf1/2/4, 3 Nkxtun3, and 2 Dlx.c sites. However, these sites are absent from the essential region deleted in up1. Consequently, unidentified factors are likely to regulate Ciinte.Dlx.c-up4 activity and
Dlx.c expression. Note that the size of the highlighted site for of a given TF may vary depending on the matrix used.