(A) Structure of the early DML CRM 'Ci-msxb-b6.5 line' and its derivatives (adapted from Roure et al., 2014), and in vivo transcriptional activity in the embryos of C. intestinalis and P. mammillata (n indicates the total number of embryos examined, N indicates the number of independent experiments). (B) Effects of various overexpressions on Ci-msxb-B activity. The indicated factors (Fgf9/16/20, Lefty, Nodal and Otx) were expressed under the control of the early ectodermal driver pFog. Embryos at gastrula/neurula stages are shown in neural plate view with anterior to the top (n indicates the total number of embryos examined, N indicates the number of independent experiments). Scale bar: 50 μm. (C) Consequences of caudal midline TF overexpression on the activity of VDML CRMs. The effects were summarized as: activation (green), repression (red), no effect (gray), or not done (white). They were compared with results of endogenous gene expression from Roure and Darras, 2016.