Fig. 2. Tissue-specific, 5hmC-enriched genes are associated with highly tissue-specific functions.
a Relative 5hmC-modification levels on tissue-specific 5hmC-enriched genes in each tissue type. Rows are distinct 5hmC-modified genes. Higher z score indicates enrichment; lower z score indicate depletion of 5hmC signal. Lower panel, numbers of tissue-specific 5hmC-enriched genes for each tissue type. Dashed line represents 100. b Functional enrichment for tissue-specific 5hmC-enriched genes. Only tissues with over 100 tissue-specific 5hmC-enriched genes are shown. Top 5 enriched functional terms are ranked by enrichment significance. c Heatmap showing fold enrichment of tissue-specific 5hmC-modified genes with tissue-specific expressed genes from accompanying RNA-Seq data. d t-SNE clustering of genomic 5hmC distributions on exons for all donor tissue samples. Colored symbols indicate the organ/tissue associated with each 5hmC profile.