Fig. 3. Enrichment of 5hmC on tissue-specific genes.
a Scatter plots showing correlation of gene-body 5hmC levels with gene expression levels. R represents the Pearson correlation coefficient, and ρ represents the Spearman correlation coefficient. b Correspondence at the top (CAT) plot showing percentages of gene overlap against top percentages of 5hmC-modified genes and expressed genes. Diagonal dashed line represents results from two random gene sets, and the horizontal dashed line represents results from two exact gene sets. c Subtractions of covered transcription factors for top 10% 5hmC-modified genes and top 10% highly expressed genes. d Heatmaps showing correlation of gene-body 5hmC levels with gene-body H3K36me3 levels. TSS, transcription start site. TES, transcription end site. e Subtractions of covered tissue-specific expressed genes for top 10% 5hmC-modified genes and top 10% H3K36me3-modified genes.