Fig. 4. Enrichment of 5hmC on tissue-specific enhancers.
a Heatmaps showing correlation of 5hmC and H3K27ac signals at all enhancers in 8 representative tissue types. b Subtractions of covered tissue-specific enhancers for the top 10% 5hmC-modified enhancers and the top 10% H3K27ac-modified enhancers. c Subtractions of covered ubiquitous enhancers for the top 10% 5hmC-modified enhancers and the top 10% H3K27ac-modified enhancers. d Heatmaps showing correlation of 5hmC and H3K4me1 signals at all enhancers in 8 representative tissue types. e Subtractions of covered tissue-specific enhancers for the top 10% 5hmC-modified enhancers and the top 10% H3K4me1-modified enhancers. f Subtractions of covered ubiquitous enhancers for the top 10% 5hmC-modified enhancers and the top 10% H3K4me1-modified enhancers.